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Unify How You Verify

We’re Partnering with Two Leading Executive Networks to Explore the Future of Customer Verification in the Digital Economy

There’s a critical need to simplify the way companies recognize and authenticate their customers across all channels of engagement.

To help fill this gap, we’re partnering with the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council, and executives and functional leaders across financial services, insurance, health care, retail, and a range of other vertical industries on a new thought leadership initiative called Unify How You Verify.

Unify How You Verify program image

In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing new research into consumer attitudes toward current authentication processes, as well as our conversations with senior executives and experts in customer support, ecommerce, security, IT, and other relevant functional areas on what can be done to improve customer experiences and drive greater revenue, satisfaction, and compliance.

It’s a hugely important topic because humanizing and optimizing these customer experiences takes a lot more than just delivering a string of discrete biometric authentication events. In the “Identity Continuity” model of authentication, biometric and non-biometric factors join together on an open platform, creating a singular, unified identity experience that persists across all engagement channels and throughout all stages of the customer relationship lifecycle—from identity verification and onboarding to authentication and recovery.

We’ve found there’s a huge and fast-growing market need for this new authentication model, both to accelerate the pace and continuity of digital business, as well as deliver expedited and trusted customer onboarding, service, support, payments, account access, and problem resolution.

Highlighting the need for change, a recent CMO Council report, entitled “How Covid Has Changed The Channels Of Engagement,” finds consumers across generations and geographies are flocking to digital self-service channels when engaging with brands, yet many get frustrated when their needs aren’t met. This frustration has led to 73% of consumers questioning why they’re doing business with the brand.

And survey insights from Experian’s annual Global Identity & Fraud Report found that since the pandemic, consumers have an increasing level of comfort and preference for physical and behavioral biometrics as methods of security. In fact, for the first time in four years, passwords did not earn a spot in the top three most secure methods for authenticating a customer’s identity.

You can learn more about our new thought leadership program and sign up to receive new reports and strategic briefs on the topic, as well as register to participate in an upcoming webinar, by visiting the CMO Council’s program page here.


Ready to learn more about the Identity Continuity model? Read how a top-10 U.S. bank generated millions of dollars in savings, here.