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See why many of the world’s strongest brands chose Daon to help them build lasting trust with their customers.

Woman onboarding on her smartphone

Identity Proofing & Verification

Onboard any customer, anywhere – quickly, confidently, and with minimal friction. Harness the power of identity document verification and facial biometrics to know your customer across channels and around the globe.

Experience the Benefits of Truly Knowing Your Customer

Daon's proofing and verification solution is the perfect balance of security and simplicity.

  • Remove barriers to customer onboarding
  • Reduce abandonment rates
  • Mitigate identity fraud
  • Deliver frictionless identity recovery

Identity proofing and verification is the first step to building lasting trust with your customer. The process involves capturing both an identity document and a facial biometric, ensuring both are live, real, and unaltered, and then making sure that they match. Often other data the customer enters during the onboarding process is cross-checked against the data extracted from the ID. The process can even check the captured image and data against a fraud watchlist, preventing known offenders from completing the process. Proofing and verification is the only way to ensure that the customer you’re onboarding is truly who they claim to be.

KYC/AML (Know Your Customer/Anti-Money Laundering) regulations across many industries require identity proofing and verification onboarding processes by law. Violating these regulations (including eKYC, or remote, requirements) can incur heavy fines and waste precious time and resources. That’s just one of the many reasons why identity proofing and verification are critical to the security of your organization and the experience of your customer.

At Daon, we provide identity proofing and verification solutions that are safe, simple, and universal, giving you a single, central, data-powered identity for each and every customer – one that lasts their entire identity lifecycle. We call this approach identity continuity, and it’s the backbone of Daon’s entire suite of products.

The product behind our identity proofing and verification solution is xProof,which features patented document verification technologies and advanced liveness detection.

Frequently Asked Questions

My business isn’t required to have identity proofing and verification. Why should I consider it?
Proofing and verification doesn’t just mitigate fraud risk and prepare you for potential future regulations; it allows you to truly know your customer, opening up a myriad of opportunities for providing personalized service and building a strong, lasting relationship. It can also remove barriers to onboarding if your current processes require steps like in-person registration.

How does identity proofing and verification help with account recovery?
It depends on where you choose to store your biometrics for authentication. If you are storing them on a server, then the confidence you establish from the proofing and verification process can allow your customer to just register a new device with their existing biometrics. If you are storing the biometrics on-device, then the recovery process is as simple as repeating the original proofing process, which can be handled by the user.

Can identity proofing and verification be integrated into my existing systems?
Yes. Our xProof solution is designed to easily integrate into existing IAM and CRM platforms to allow businesses to quickly increase their fraud protection and decrease friction for their customers.

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Ready to see Daon's proofing and verification solutions in action?

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